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maksym matsydulskas

front-end developer

dnipro, ukraine

+380669723993 Download resume


Hi there! I'm Maksym and I am a multi-skilled, self-motivated Front-end Developer with 2.5+ years enterprise development experience.

I'm one of two front-end developers who made OneVOIPlanet admin cabinet, and I created by myself a site for University Custom and Finance of Ukraine.

My main technology stack ( but it's increase through time, i'm trying learn and use modern fresh technologies ) is Vue.js 3, JavaScript / TypeScript, Nuxt 3, Vite, Service Workers, PWA, Vuetify 3, Tailwind, Axios, Directus, Strapi, HTML, CSS, SASS, Git and i use principles DRY, KISS, SOLID, etc.

Passionate about making new and interesting products and always striving to improve.

Ability to handle complex tasks by oneself, easy adaptation to any team, stress resistance.

Employment History

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Master's Degree in Computer Science, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro

September 2012 - 2017

My portfolio